Friday, February 15, 2013

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 4

Day 4: List 5 things you would tell your 16 year-old self if you could.

Only 5? Ok. Here goes:

  1. Stop worrying so much about boys.  Yes, they're good friends, but you don't need to "date".  There will be plenty of time for that later. There are worse things than not going to prom.
  2. Save yourself for marriage.  It will be worth it!
  3. Go to college.  Go AWAY for college.  It won't be as easy as you think to go later and the experience you gain will be priceless!
  4. Stay close to Christ. You gave yourself to him.  Remember that.  Don't worry what everyone else is doing. You are only responsible for yourself.
  5. Hug your grandfathers and your Uncle Bill every chance you get. Tell them you love them, even though it's awkward.  They won't be around as long as you think.
So, that's 5.  I could probably list a dozen or so more.  Oh well. Live and learn, right? Praise God He hasn't given up on me yet!


  1. Whenever I see this prompt, I immediately think of the Brad Paisley song "Letter to Me." Because if I could tell my high school aged self anything? It would be "Have no fear, these are nowhere near the best years of your life." Not that we would have listened to ourselves anyway. ;-)

    1. Love that song! I tell teenagers ALL the time not to get down. Life is NOT high school. It gets WAY better!
